Atlantic City NJ Beach Fortune Telling 1900s 4x6 photo

Here is a neat collectible featuring a beach side scene with bathers appearing to read fortunes in Atlantic City New Jersey in the 1900s. This is an excellent reproduction of an old photo on quality photography paper not cheap ink jet stock. Size 4x6 inches. Reproduced photo is in mint condition. This photo will be shipped protected in a padded mailer. Check out my other photos and vintage collection in my Shopify Store. Please note the Photoseeum fine print in the foreground of all the photos will not be in the printed version you purchase. All of our photos are developed in photo labs, using the finest photography stock available such as Kodak & Fuji or other quality brand name product. We do not print off our photos on cheap inkjet home printers, like so many other photo sellers here on Shopify. The old saying here get what you pay for.
If you do end up buying 4 or more photos, Shipping is Free Worldwide.